News and research

On this page, you will find current research and news relating to genomics and genomic testing: explore here if you are interested in new research or advances in the area of genomics.

Access to genomic testing? Depends where you live

In a continent like Australia with its vast remote regions you might expect that access to genomic testing was highest in major cities with large hospitals and other health services.

And you’d be right. But an Australian Genomics study looking at the unmet needs of genomic testing also found that on a per capita basis the rate of testing was higher in some “remote” areas compared with major cities.

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New online consent tool for patients

A new interactive online consent tool developed by Australian Genomics provides easy and accessible information in bite-sized chunks to guide patients through the key concepts of genomic testing. 

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Measuring the value of genomic testing

How do you measure the value of a genomic test? It depends who you are, of course. While providing a diagnosis might be paramount for a patient, for a clinician it might be managing the condition. And for a government department it might be cost savings. 

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